Equipment at Castle Canoe Club

Most of the equipment used at Castle Canoe Club is the property of the West Reservoir Centre. Members and inductees can use this equipment for no extra charge during club opening hours.

As an individual member, you can also hire a boat and equipment (paddle, buoyancy aid, helmet and cag) directly from WRC to take offsite. It is important to remember that you are fully responsible for this equipment and WRC may try to recover costs of damaged or lost equipment.

  • Before: Fill in a booking form and take it to the Centre to discuss what you need. Note that you’re booking as an individual member (not through the club) and that WRC set the hire price. The club will hold the £250 deposit on your behalf, so you must pay it into the CCC account (20351415, 20-32-00) with your name as the reference in advance so we can inform WRC that it has been paid before you collect your boat. Email when you have done so.
  • Collecting: You will need to bring along the form and pay the hire fee by card to WRC when you collect the boat. You will need to liaise with them to collect/return your boat when the centre is open. If it’s for a group trip, try and collect the boats at the same time.
  • Returning: When you have returned your boat, you will need to ask to return your deposit, confirming that you’ve returned the boat and providing your bank details.




All text and images are copyright © Castle Canoe Club

Castle Canoe Club

Castle Canoe Club, The West Reservoir Centre, Green Lanes, London N4 2HA.


Website: Canoe London

Main image: Ian Kleinberg
