Castle Canoe Club

Personal details

Name (first, last):
E-mail address:
Postal address:
Telephone number(s):
Emergency contact name and telephone number(s):
Do you give the club permission to link your existing British Canoeing account with the club or to create a new account for you? If your BC account already linked to the club, its status will not be changed while you are a member.:

Health and ability

Relevant medical details:
For example, Asthma, diabeties, etc.
If you're a British Canoe Union member, please enter your membership number:
Relevant qualifications:
For example, BCU star tests, Coaching, First Aid, etc.
Main paddling interests:
For example, SUP, kayak, polo, sea, whitewater, slalom, open boat) , etc.


This section will help us understand the composition of members and make help us apply for grants and we will only use this in aggregate form. Filling it out is optional.

Year of birth:
Gender: Female Male Other Prefer not to say
Ethnic origin: White Mixed / multiple ethnic groups Asian / Asian British Black / African / Caribbean / Black British Other ethnic group Prefer not to say
Do you consider that you have a disability?:

Membership options

Membership runs until 31st March 2025.
Subscriptions prices depend on when you join in our membership year.

Full CCC membership: £110.00
Concession CCC membership*: £55.00
Full CCC membership (from October): £55
Concession CCC membership (from October)*: £27.50
Full CCC membership (from January): £27.50
Concession CCC membership (from January)*: £13.75

*We offer concessionary rates - please email a copy/photo of the proof to

  • Aged over 55: send us any id that shows that you're 55+
  • Full-time students and trainees on government schemes: send us a copy of your student card or letter from your college on headed notepaper
  • Receiving benefits or job-seekers allowance: send us a copy of one of these
  • Disabled: send us a copy of your incapacity benefit document

Limitation of Club

Members of the club, their guests or visitors may use the club premises, facilities and equipment entirely at their own risk and implicitly accept that:

  • The Club will not accept liability for any damage to or loss of property belonging to members, guests or visitors.
  • The Club will not accept liability for injury arising out of use of Club premises and/or any other facilities of the Club, either sustained or caused by members, guests or visitors, whether or not such damage or injury could have been attributed or was occasioned by the neglect, default or negligence of any of them.


Members must accept the following:

  • I have done a Castle Canoe Club induction.
  • I have read, understand, and will observe:
  • I agree to act responsibly and considerately and to follow the directions of Club Officials and Duty Supervisors.
  • I have read and understood the information below on Club liability and agree to use the Club facilities and participate in Club activities at my own risk.
  • I agree to my information being held on computer (in accordance with Data Protection Act) and the circulation of my relevant details to West Reservoir Centre, the committee and club members who are on duty.
  • I am over 18 years of age.
  • I will take the role of duty officer when requested or will organise a substitute.
  • I understand that my membership will only be confirmed when payment has been confirmed (which may take a week) and that we reserve the right to revoke your membership if it turns out that you are not adequately experienced.
Do you accept the declarations above?

Payment details are on the next page.